A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1203

Chapter 1203


Chapter: 1203

With a deep sigh, Mark averted his gaze and hastened into the VIP passage.

Back in Czanch, Mark found himself caught up in an emergency meeting, which kept him occupied throughout the morning.

Only by noon did he manage to return home.

Lunchtime approached and the servants bustled about preparing the meal. Mark inquired from the staff and learned that a guest from Duefron was coming to visit. Zoey was elated and even brought out vegetables she had grown herself.

Aguest from Duefron…

Mark speculated that it might be Eloise. He lit a cigarette and made his way towards the kitchen to greet the visitor.

However, as he made his way there, he froze.

There, on the stone bench, sat his little girl, engaging in lively conversation with her mother while they prepared vegetables for cooking.

The scene triggered a poignant sense of nostalgia, evoking memories of beautiful times from the past.


Mark’s eyes welled up with emotion.

Momentarily lost for words, he locked his gaze on Cecilia. He realized she was wearing the same clothes he saw her in at the airport last night. It dawned on him that she was the very person he encountered there, waiting throughout the entire night.

What a fool she had been! Cecilia had patiently waited at the airport throughout the night just to catch the earliest flight to see him.

Mark bore an immense sadness within, though he concealed it behind a calm facade. With a cigarette held delicately in his hand, he approached Cecilia with a warm smile. “Hello, Cecilia. Are you here to keep my mom company?”

Cecilia gazed up at Mark with tender eyes.

In turn, Mark looked at her quietly for a prolonged moment before taking a seat.

Zoey affectionately patted Mark and explained, “I ran into her on the street, so | brought her back. It’s freezing outside. She was wandering alone early in the morning with nothing on her, so | couldn’t leave her out there. Do you think I’m as cold-hearted as you?”

Zoey’s words didn’t provoke Mark to anger.

His attention remained fixed on Cecilia. After a while, he spoke slowly, “Let her stay in the previous room. I’ll take her there.”

Thus, Mark guided Cecilia away to the designated room.

Once they left, Zoey gazed in the direction of their departure and sighed softly.

The servants didn’t dare to enter the east corridor without Mark’s permission.

Mark pushed open the bedroom door and gently ushered Cecilia inside.

